Trainings, Consultations and Methodologies

As anthropologists, our main object of study is the diversity of different cultural and social groups, and of humanity. In applied activities we seek to decolonize, de-stereotype various groups and their representations. We do this by working in the field of education - we conduct trainings, consult, comment on school curricula, educational tools, and prepare memos and methodologies. We also provide training for people who work with different ethnic-cultural groups and communities (e.g. NGOs, artists, journalists, communities).

The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences --- Margaret Mead

Contact us:

  • •If you are looking for training seminars on how to ethically represent different social and cultural groups. For example, in textbooks, educational materials, various campaigns;
  • •If you are looking for seminars on how to talk or teach about race, ethnicity, and social differences;
  • •If you want to create an environment that is sensitive to cultural and social differences;
  • •We consult, conduct seminars, and have prepared memos, which can be found here:
    Cultural Representations: Anthropological Percpective (available in English)
    Contexts and Challenges of Representing Cultural and Social Groups (only in Lithuanian) 2. „Guidelines for Ethical Representations of Social and Cultural Groups in Advocacy Work“).

  • Contact us via e-mail: or via phone: +37065350308 or +37060581101



    • Initiated Appeal On Cultural Representations in Textbooks (2020)
      In 2020 we initiated an appeal to the Lithuanian National Education Agency regarding inadequate cultural representations and Eurocentrism in textbooks, in this way starting to cooperate and make changes within the education system. The appeal grew into a seminar for textbook authors and evaluators on cultural representation and a memo available to all. We received a special mention for this initiative at the European Conference of Applied Anthropologists “ Why the World Needs Anthropologists” Awards.
      Many thanks to the organizations that supported the appeal and to National Education Agency for their interest and willingness to cooperate.
      You can read the appeal here (only in Lithuanian) Letter
      You can find the prepared memo here: Representation of Cultures: An Anthropological Perspective

    • Series of workshops on non-discrimination in teaching materials for textbook authors, editors and evaluators (2021)
      In the autumn of 2021, we implemented a series of practical seminars (2) on non-discrimination in teaching materials for textbook authors, editors and evaluators for Lithuanian National Education Agency. The aim of the workshops was to improve the competencies of the subject by providing knowledge on how to avoid discrimination against different groups or communities based on race, nationality, language, culture, religion, social status, gender and ethnic origin, and to build respectful representations of different cultures in the textbooks.
      Here you can find the prepared memo (only in Lithuanian): Contexts and Challenges of Representing Cultural and Social Groups

    • Comments on Renewed School Curriculum and participation in methodology group for Histroy subject (2021)
      During the renewal of the general school curriculum, we provided comments on the content of Cultural Competence, the General Provisions of Social Education, the Civic Education Competence and Program, and the content of History and Geography subjects.
      You can read our suggestions here (only in Lithuanian): Comments General Curriculum
      Many suggestions were taken into account. We are particularly pleased with the changes that have been made and the topics that have been included in the history subject program. The Our proposal asked to incorporate the phenomenon of the new colonialism into the general history agenda as part of the ongoing process shaping the world politics, power relations and contributing to the formation and existence of the global poverty. We proposed to introduce students to different types of capitalism and modern ideologies, such as how neoliberal global politics affects the distribution of poverty. Attention will be paid to social movements that began in the mid 20th century and shaped the development of human rights in society such as black, women, sexual minorities, indigenous movements. Also, our proposal includes the terms 'ethnocentrism' and 'eurocentrism' in the program.
      Here are programs and all recommendations: General Curriculum Updates


      • Seminar "Representing the “Other” - The Challenges of Talking About Communities" (2021)
        The event was organized by the Multicultural Center for Non-Formal Education "Help to Fit”. It was aimed at artists, organizations and community representatives working with various communities and social projects, ethnic-cultural minorities and social groups.

      • Seminars for Kaunas2022 community program on how to apply anthropological methods in working with communities (2019, 2020)
        Anthropology as a discipline studies human, groups of people, cultures, social groups. Anthropologists use ethnographic methods - participatory observations and interviews to explore the groups. These methods and the accumulated knowledge of how to understand the cultural and social “strange” or to learn to look at the cultural and social “familiar” from the outside can serve not only in academic work, but also in working with different communities and groups. During Kaunas2022 community programs we conducted two trainings for community activists - facilitators. A few moments from the seminars: 2019. Lecture "Applied Anthropology: How to Apply It in Work with Communities" " and 2020. During the tour in Šančiai, we introduced ethnographic methods to community facilitators.


        The project involves 5 organizations in which Anthropos acts as a co-ordinator and lead organization. The aim of the project is to share experiences and address the issue of how to ethically and sensitively represent ethnic and cultural minorities, various social groups in the advocacy process. Partner organizations work with a wide range of ethnic and social minorities.
        Participating countries and organizations: CISS - Coperazione Internazionale Sud Sud (Italy), Ecos do Sur (Spain), Stichting CAAT Projects (Netherlands), and Center for Education Initiatives (Latvia).

        (Looking for funding)

        This project aims to address the lack of knowledge and skills on how to work with students from different cultures and to create a culturally sensitive, inclusive and safe environment in Lithuanian schools. The long-term impact of the project is school communities which are more open to diversity and respect for human rights where ethnic and cultural minority students will not experience various forms of discrimination and racism. The project would involve school teams consisting of teachers, administration and child support professionals. Other activities involve the wider school community - pupils and their parents. In thi way, we would seek to ensure full involvement.


Applied anthropology organization "Anthropos"

Registration code: 304743335

Banko sąskaita: Luminor LT204010051004193055

Phone: +37065350308